Free & Accepted Masons Of California
3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA 90807
“Sweethearts Night”
Saturday February 15th
Time TBD!
Please join us. RSVP to secretary@masonry.org
Casual Business attire is recommended.
If you are interested in Freemasonry please contact us with
the contact below and we will get in touch with you. Stay safe!
Masonic Charity Bike Ride becomes a Journey to the East.
Read the article. Click the photo to read.
Meeting Information
We meet on Thursday Evenings.
Our Stated Meeting is on the first Thursday evening
of the month at 8pm with a meal at 7pm
Sojourning and Visiting Masons welcome!
Visit the Facility Rentals page above! Contact: Dawn at LBHevent@gmail.com
Upcoming Events
Sweethearts Night
Saturday February 15th
Time TBD
Please join us!
A Word From The Lodge
Let there be light!
Call: (562) 427-0821
We Look Forward To Seeing You!
Get In Touch –
We’d Love To Hear From You.
If interested, just ask!
All Masons Are Welcome
Established in 1896 .
Meets Thursday evenings –
Stated Meetings, for Masons, are on the
1st Thursday evening of the month at 8pm.
There is a dinner at 7pm ,before the meeting,
Visitors may attend the dinner.
We welcome Sojourners and Visiting Masons.
A Little About Us
Long Beach Lodge began when Long Beach was just a little city near the beach on a floor above a bank in 1896.
June message from the Master
We’ve had a very good year so far. It’s hard to believe it is nearly halfway over. As mentioned in our last stated meeting, we scheduled and had our bowling outing where we partnered with International City Lodge at Valley View Lanes. There was a good turnout and the final score was essentially, a tie. We’ll be doing this again soon so please keep an eye on the lodge Calendar for the next event.
We held our annual Breakfast in June, as well. Thank you for all those who contributed to its success.
We will be holding a Masonic Memorial Service on Saturday June 22nd at 11am, for our recently departed, Brother Maurice Astley. It’ll likely be a short service we all would like to have a good turnout to support Brother Astley’s family. His family members attending will, for the most part, be coming from out of state. I hope as many of you can be in attendance. This service was one of his last requests
Dean West
June message from the Senior Warden
Time flies, and we are already approaching the halfway point of our Masonic year. This past month, we had the pleasure of hosting the OSI, where our brothers excelled in demonstrating the 3rd Degree, Second Section. If you are interested in serving the lodge and becoming an officer for the 2025 Masonic Year, please reach out to me. I look forward to an outstanding month of June with our lodge.
“Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw Masonic wages in gold and silver will be disappointed. The wages of a Mason are in the dealings with one another; sympathy begets sympathy, kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a Mason.” – Benjamin Franklin
Harry Bugarin
Senior Warden
June message from the Junior Warden
We are in mid-year already and the lodge has some improvements in the building that you should see and enjoy. Along with that, we have incoming and advancing brothers that need our support and guidance. Your consistent presence in the lodge will give them encouragement and inspiration as they continue their life journey in masonry.
Rekindle the good fellowship you had before with the brothers and continue it with our new members who always look forward to seeing you.
Dave Romero
Junior Warden
2025 Dues info from the Secretary
Brethren of Long Beach Lodge,
Our Membership Dues for 2025 are $159.00