562.427.0821 secretary@masonry.org

Grand Lodge Communication

Grand Lodge of California 1111 California St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Grand Lodge Communication in San Francisco.

Grand Lodge Communication

Grand Lodge of California 1111 California St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Grand Lodge Communication in San Francisco.

Stated Meeting at 8pm Meal at 7pm

Long Beach Lodge 3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA

This will be our October Stated Meeting evening due to Grand Lodge's Communication the week prior. Meeting is at 8pm dinner at 7pm.

Hall Association Meeting at 7pm

Long Beach Lodge 3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA

This is our Masonic Hall Association's monthly evening for its meeting at 7pm.

Degree Practice and qualifying 7pm

Long Beach Lodge 3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA

We will be practicing for a degree and qualify parts for officers.

Game Night at 6pm

Long Beach Lodge 3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA

We will be having a game night at lodge at 6pm.

Masonic Service Wor. Jack McEnterfer 10am

Long Beach Lodge 3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA

We are having a Masonic Service or Memorial for Worshipful Jack McEnterfer at 10:00am to be followed by some refreshments.

Lodge Membership Summons Meeting 7pm

Long Beach Lodge 3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA

We are having a Summons meeting to address our membership. We request that all members attend.

Game Night at Lodge 6pm

Long Beach Lodge 3610 Locust Ave., Long Beach, CA

There will be a game night held upstairs in our game room with pool tables and a flat screen. A fun time to relax and fraternalize with your brothers.